The Witty Traveller

KyleMcDesign just had The Witty Traveller a The Witty Traveller has finally arrived! In his trunk, the distinguished beer flavours of the world. With a top-hat in hand he’s stopped in Railway City to share his knowledge and adventure. With spices from the East, the fruits of the South, and yeasts of the North enveloped in taste and aromas of far flung places.

The Witty Traveller’s tale opens with a potpourri of spices and fruit – sweet anise seed and subtle orange rind. As you delve deeper into the libation you discover clove and bananas alongside soft and sweet arrowroot biscuit. This is followed by a short layover of bubblegum before cleansing fresh pepper and gingersnap. With spices from the east, fruits of the south, and yeasts of the north, The Witty Traveller envelopes tastes and aromas of far flung places. From Railway City Brewing @ The Lanai – I had almost forgot how damn good this beer is.


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April 10, 2021