Henderson’s Best

Henderson’s Best

KyleMcDesign just had Henderson’s Best a A 21st century take on the classic best Bitter. A Modern interpretation of the first beer brewed in Toronto circa 1800. From Henderson Brewing Co @ The Lanai –


KyleMcDesign just had Bronco a A deep copper-coloured ale, brewed with select international hops exquisitely balanced with layers of caramel. This sessional brew has notes of citrus peel, tea leaves and a clean, creamy finish. From Outlaw Brew Co. Inc. @ The Lanai...
Shevchenko 9

Shevchenko 9

KyleMcDesign just had Shevchenko 9 a Yes, we know he was number 7 and yes, it is a long story. Our traditional Ukrainian Dunkel is true to the original with a nutty, toasted chocolate malt sweetness and medium bitterness. A beer as stunning, bittersweet and complex as...
Yellow Truck

35 & 118 Cream Ale

KyleMcDesign just had 35 & 118 Cream Ale a From Boshkung Brewing Co @ Club Intrawest Blue Mountain Resort Collingwood –